I'm Natalie, a Certified Healing Practitioner and lover of Handmade Gemstone Jewelry and Art! That is exactly what you will find here. My love for sharing healing energy & art! All jewelry and art is handmade by ME.


Reiki Master

Sound Therapy

Crystal Healing

Angelic Healing

Quantum Energy Healing

Past Life Regression

When you book a healing session with me, you will receive a soothing combination of the above healing techniques. A holistic and transformative practice that combines the healing power of reiki, quantum energy, crystals, angelic energies, and sound vibrations. This unique modality harnesses the energy of crystals to amplify healing energies and facilitate deep relaxation. As I, the practitioner, channel angelic frequencies, these divine energies work in synergy with the crystals, creating a harmonious and balanced state within the body and mind. The use of sound, such as soothing chimes or crystal bowls, further enhances the healing process by entraining the brain waves, promoting a sense of tranquility and healing on a cellular level. This multidimensional approach not only addresses physical ailments but also supports emotional and spiritual well-being, allowing individuals to experience profound healing and renewal at all levels of their being. Through this sacred practice, individuals can experience the release of emotional blocks, and connect with their higher selves, ultimately paving the way for personal growth and spiritual awakening.


Past life regression healing is a profoundly transformative and enlightening therapeutic technique that allows individuals to explore the depths of their soul and uncover hidden aspects of their being. With roots in ancient spiritual traditions, as a Practitioner, I guide individuals back in time to access and re-experience memories from past lives. Through this process, one can gain insights into the root causes of present-day fears, phobias, and emotional patterns, ultimately leading to a deep sense of healing and transformation. By examining past life traumas and karmic imprints, individuals can release limiting beliefs and break free from repetitive patterns that may have hindered their spiritual and personal growth. Past life regression healing is a powerful tool that empowers individuals to align with their true purpose, cultivate a sense of inner peace, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. 


At NJP Productions, I take great pride and joy in handmaking crystal gemstone jewelry that captures the essence of elegance and allure. With a skilled touch and a passion for craftsmanship, I meticulously select each crystal, ensuring that it radiates its unique energy and beauty. From delicate necklaces adorned with glistening amethysts to brilliant earrings showcasing iridescent moonstones, every piece is an intricate work of art. The process of crafting crystal jewelry is a labor of love, as I carefully thread delicate chains and expertly connect each crystal with precision. Handmade crystal jewelry is not just an accessory; it is a reflection of the wearer's individuality and connection to the natural world.


I strongly believe that art should be accessible to everyone, which is why I specialize in creating affordable digital art prints. My goal is to bridge the gap between art enthusiasts and the art world, allowing individuals from all walks of life to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of digital artwork. By leveraging technology and offering affordable prints, I aim to make art an integral part of people's lives, whether they are seasoned collectors or newcomers to the art scene.  Everyone deserves the opportunity to surround themselves with unique and inspiring artwork Affordability should never be a barrier to accessing the transformative power of art.